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Frequently Asked Questions

Before we talk about product issues, we need to know what they are. Problems during shipping, missing products or incorrect product shipments are among the main product problems. Do not hesitate to contact us in case of product problems you encounter. As Ozbilgin.co family, we are here to serve you better...

1. Problems Occurred During Shipping

If the cargo package is open when your products reach you, you should not buy this product and you should notify us of this. In case the cargo package is open, the shipping fee of the product will be deducted and the refund will be made to your credit card in the notifications that you do not make on the same day. You should contact customer service by taking photos of products that have exploded or damaged during shipping. Actions for exploded or damaged products must be made within 14 days of receiving the cargo. If the time is exceeded, no action will be taken.

2. Missing or Incorrect Product Delivery Issues

In case of missing products or faulty products in the products sent to you by our company, we offer you a quick solution if you contact us. Below is a detailed description of what to do in case of sending a missing or faulty product.

a. Sending Missing Product

Missing product means that the products or parts of the products in your order are not included in the cargo packaging. In case of missing products are sent to you, you should contact our customer service or take action via the missing and faulty product reporting tab on our site. You must inform in detail which product is missing during the procedures you will do. As a result of the meeting, a missing product notification will be created. After the necessary examinations are made, the missing product will be shipped as soon as possible. Transactions made 14 days after the cargo is received will be deemed invalid.

b. Sending an Faulty Product

A faulty product is the sending of a completely different product other than the one you received. When you realize that a faulty product has been sent to you, you can contact our customer service or take action via the missing and faulty product reporting tab on our site. After the faulty product notification occurs, your problem will be resolved by our company as soon as possible. You must notify us within 14 days of receiving a faulty product. If the time is exceeded, no action is taken by our company.