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Trading Guide

Steps to Become a Member

To become a member of ozbilgin.co, click on the "Login & Register" menu in the upper right corner of our site. Fill in your Name, Surname, Gender, Date of Birth, E-Mail Address, Telephone and Password information on the Sign Up page you will be directed to.

If you want to be informed about the campaigns, "I give consent for the privacy policy, the use-processing of my personal data and the sending of commercial electronic messages to me under the conditions specified here." You can tick the box titled.

"I have read and accept the Site Membership and Confidentiality Agreement." You can become a member by ticking the box and clicking the "Register" button.

You can view the latest status, order date, products, order amount, delivery and billing address information about the orders you have placed by using the My Orders section in the window that opens when you click on the "My Account" section in the upper right corner of our homepage. You can add new addresses to your registered addresses, delete or update your existing addresses by using the My Membership Information link. You can change your password using the password change link.

Member Login Steps

Go to www.ozbilgin.co and click on the "Sign In" menu in the upper right corner.

Enter the e-mail address you used when creating your membership and the password you set in the fields under the "Sign In" heading in the section that opens.

Press the "Login" button.

If you have forgotten your password, click the Remind Password link. In the e-mail field on the page that opens, enter your e-mail address that you used when creating your membership and the characters in the image created for security purposes; Press the "Submit" button. An e-mail message will be sent to you to set a new password. "Please click to set a new password." Click on the link. You will be directed to the "Change Your Password" page on ozbilgin.co. In the "New password" and "New password (again)" fields on the relevant page, enter your new password that you will use to log in to our site and click the "Submit" button.

Product Purchase Steps

You can go to www.ozbilgin.co and start shopping.

You can add the products you choose while shopping, by making your color and size preferences, and by clicking the "Add to Cart" button.

You can change the quantity of your product in the "My Cart" page, see the total amount of your product including VAT, or delete the products from your basket.

Click the "Buy" button. If you have logged in as a member, your registered address information will appear on the page that opens. If you are going to continue without logging in, you must fill in the delivery and invoice fields completely. If you want the address on your invoice to be different from your delivery address, click "To enter different billing information." You can choose a different address from the section, or enter a new address. In order for your order to be invoiced correctly and to avoid any problems in delivery, please click the "Continue" button after making sure that your billing information and delivery information are complete and correct.

After entering your delivery address and billing address information, select the payment type (credit card, ATM card, PayPal, BKM Express) you want to use for your shopping. If you choose credit card and ATM card options, you must enter your card information.

Checking the billing and delivery addresses, the products and quantity in your basket, and the correctness of your payment option on the "Payment" page; You must approve the preliminary information form by reading the Distance Sales Agreement and ticking the relevant checkbox.

When you enter your information correctly for payment, a page will appear stating that your order has been completed. On this page is your order number. Information about your order is also sent to your e-mail address.

For purchases made using the "Complete Order" button; When necessary, the bank or Ozbilgin.co Security Unit may need to reach the credit card holder from a phone number and/or e-mail address registered in their system in order to get approval for your order. If the registered contact information of the credit card holder cannot be reached, your order can be canceled in order to ensure the security of the credit card holder. In order for your order to be approved by the bank; Your personal contact information registered in your bank and on our website must be updated.

Before the completion of your transaction, we will send the distance sales contract to your e-mail address that you will enter in the system after the sale is completed, and we will keep it for you for six months. After the sale is completed, you will not be able to access the distance sales contract on our website.

Your order summary will be displayed on the "Payment" screen so that you can check the accuracy of the data you entered before your order is completed. At this stage, before the order is completed, you can click on the desired stage of the basket from the top section and go to that stage again and make changes. In case you give up ordering, you can return to our home page by clicking the Ozbilgin Classic logo in the upper left corner of the page, or you can exit our browser / application.

"The consumer can apply to the Consumer Arbitration Committees or Consumer Courts in case of a dispute regarding his complaint. The monetary limits regarding the consumer arbitration committees being responsible and authorized to deal with the disputes;

a) Upper monetary limit for district consumer arbitration committees, 2.200 Turkish Liras,

b) The monetary limit for provincial consumer arbitration committees in provinces with metropolitan status is between 2,200 Turkish Liras and 3,300 Turkish Liras,

c) The upper monetary limit for the provincial consumer arbitration committees in the centers of the provinces that are not in metropolitan status, 3.300 Turkish Liras,

d) The monetary limit for the provincial consumer arbitration committees in the districts of the provinces that are not in metropolitan status has been determined as between 2,200 Turkish Liras and 3,300 Turkish Liras.

For disputes above these values, applications are made to consumer courts, not to consumer arbitration committees. The competent authority is the consumer arbitration committee and the consumer courts where the consumer is located or where the consumer transaction is made.

In case of a dispute, you can also apply to all alternative dispute resolution methods accepted in our country, such as arbitration and mediation. It is known that alternative dispute resolution methods are faster, more economical and more effective. Applying for these remedies will not remove your right to seek legal remedies."

Information on Privacy Rules, Site Terms of Use and Communications and Your Personal Data

Dear Site Visitors, Customers, Members,

We would like to inform you about our Privacy Rules, Communications, Site Terms of Use and our practices regarding the Processing of your Personal Data and your rights under the Personal Data Protection Law.

Our company Özcan Özbilgin and www.ozbilgin.co on our website (including its mobile application), the privacy of visitor-member-customer information, the protection, storage, processing-use-disposal of personal data, commercial electronic communications and other issues, the current principles of which are stated below. Privacy Rules-Policy and Application-Terms of Use apply.

Protection of Information

Necessary measures for the security of information and transactions given/acquired by Visitors/Members have been taken by our Company or the relevant institution, in systems and internet infrastructure, with appropriate technical methods, within technological possibilities and cost factors, depending on the nature of the information and transaction.

In your use of our site, all credit card transactions and approvals are carried out online between you by the relevant Bank or Card Institutions independently of our Company, and information such as credit card "password" is not seen or recorded by our Company.

Information entered on our site for membership, product/service purchase and information update purposes, as well as confidential information about credit and debit cards, cannot be viewed by other internet users.

Cookie Application on Our Site

Various types of cookies are used on our www.ozbilgin.co site (all digital platforms including mobile applications). These are cookies such as session cookies, persistent cookies, essential cookies, functionality cookies, analytics cookies, commercial cookies and third party cookies.

Cookies enable the user to work and develop the website properly, to personalize and improve the user experience, to visit the sites without logging in, and/or to send commercial-social notifications to the user (even if the internet browser and/or the relevant mobile application is closed, depending on the situation). and in general, are small pieces of data placed on computers and mobile devices in order to provide general or customized information, advertisements and promotions to site users-visitors both on the relevant site and on other sites (including social media and online advertising networks).

Cookies are kept on computer-devices for a suitable period of time, usually 180 days, provided that the legal maximum period, if any, is not exceeded.

Visitors (including our Members-Customers) who use our site (including its mobile versions) include the above-mentioned application, as well as the processing of the relevant cookies in the scope-conditions stipulated for your various information here, in the personal data legislation and other parts of this information text (in this context, transfer-sharing to third parties and including their use).

Visitors can remove the cookies and/or stop the aforementioned notifications at any time by editing the settings of the program and/or operating system and/or internet browser on their devices (In this case, it should be known that our Site/related device/program may not work as desired and/or not be aware of the contents of the notifications).

Your Processed Personal Data -- Communications and Your Legal Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

Name, surname, nickname, age, gender, marital status, region of residence, education level, interests, shopping habits for all kinds of products and services, including clothes, preferences, interests, tastes and likes, invoice contents, mobile phone number, device codes In addition to informing you about the method and legal reason for collecting your personal information, such as;

- the right to learn whether your personal information is processed, if it is processed, whether it is used in accordance with its purpose, to learn and know the third parties to which it has been transferred in the country and abroad, and to request information on all these issues, as well as to correct it if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, in accordance with the legal conditions and method. You have the right to request that your data be deleted or destroyed, and that this situation be notified to the third parties to whom my data has been transferred, and to object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your information with automated systems, and to request that it be remedied if you suffer damage due to unlawful processing,

-- We would like to inform you that you can apply to our Data Controller Company, ozbilgin.co, in all these matters.

In accordance with the relevant legislation and personal data storage-destruction policies, our company can partially / completely destroy (delete, destroy or anonymize) personal information in the periods stipulated in the personal data storage-destruction policies, as well as our Visitors/Members can contact our Company through the communication channels stated below at any time and without giving any reason, and they can stop the processing of personal data and/or commercial electronic communications to their parties by fulfilling the technical procedures. According to explicit notification-requests on this matter, personal data processing and/or communications to the party for the channels specified are stopped within the legal maximum period (personal data processing and communications that are possible-required or liable according to the law continue). If the Visitor/Customer/Member wishes, information other than what is legally required and/or possible is deleted from the data recording system or destroyed or anonymized in an anonymous way to achieve the same purpose. Applications and requests in these matters will be fulfilled within the legal maximum period or may not be accepted by explaining the legal reason to the party (Relevant legal rights are reserved).

(Notifications about cookies and notifications on your computer and other devices, the actions you can take to edit them are mentioned above).

Third Party Sites-Applications

On other sites accessed from our site (including mobile versions), their own privacy-security policies, terms of use, communication and personal data processing apply; Use of information from websites accessed for advertising, banners, viewing content or for any other purpose, as well as ethical principles, privacy-security principles, personal data storage and destruction policies, service quality, terms of use, notifications-suggestions and other practices. Our Company is not responsible for disputes, material and moral damages and losses.


Visitors/Members receive information from our Site or other sites linked on our Site/mobile applications/all kinds of notifications, information, promotions and advertisements electronically communicated to their parties, as well as from the decisions they take within the framework of all kinds of suggestions, any transactions and practices they make and their results. they are responsible.

Since we cannot know the legal/de facto capacity of any Visitor to our Site, the responsibility for the use, information and processing of children and other minors belongs to their legal representatives, and they can use their rights regarding their personal data (and also communications, depending on the situation) through their legal representatives.

Purchases and Other Consumer Transactions

In the event that the visitors/Members purchase a product/service as a result of the above-mentioned information and/or communications, notifications, notifications, promotions and advertisements to the parties, the aforementioned transaction is subject to the consumer contract they will make with the relevant seller/provider in accordance with the law. The consumer contract is implemented on its own terms and between the parties.

In your purchases from our site, the order pre-information form-distance sales contract conditions that you will see during each transaction will be valid.

Rights on Site Content

Regarding all kinds of information and content on our site and their arrangement, revision and partial/full use; Except for those belonging to other third parties according to the agreement of our company; All intellectual and industrial rights and property rights belong to our Company.


Şirketimiz gizlilik, kişisel veri saklama-kullanım ve imha politikası ve Site kullanım şartları gibi konularda, keza müşteri-üyelerine sunacağı ürün, hizmet ve fırsatlarda, kampanya vb. lerinde gerekli görebileceği her türlü değişikliği yapma hakkını saklı tutar; bu değişiklikler Şirketimizce Siteden veya diğer uygun yöntemler ile duyurulduğu andan itibaren geçerli olur.

Ziyaretçi/Müşterilerimiz/Üyelerimiz tüm bu konularda ek bilgi istemlerini, her türlü talep ve şikayetlerini aşağıdaki iletişim kanallarından ulaşarak Şirketimiz ozbilgin.co 'e bildirebilir. İlgili talebin yasalar gereği belirli bir prosedürde (usulde-zamanda) yapılması gereken hallerde söz konusu prosedüre uyulması gerekir.

Adres:Gaziosmanpaşa Mahallesi Iran Caddesi 21/19 Karum Avm Çankaya / ANKARA,

Tel: +90 (542) 150 50 19

E-posta: info@ozbilgin.co

İnternet Adresi : www.ozbilgin.co